Platform Narrative

Jillian is running for Durham City Council because she believes in:

A THRIVING CITY that grows through inclusion — where everyone is involved in and benefits from the city’s revitalization.

A COURAGEOUS CITY that confronts disparity and demands equity — where poverty wages, skyrocketing rents, and racial profiling are unacceptable; where race, class, immigration status, gender, and sexuality are not a basis for discrimination or exploitation.

A PROGRESSIVE CITY that governs based on principles of racial, economic, and environmental justice — where we show the state and the country what’s possible under truly progressive leadership.


Everyday, luxury condos go up as affordable housing disappears. Youth of color suffer from racial profiling by police and too many families continuing working for poverty wages. We are nearing a tipping point. Without bold and deliberate action from our elected leaders and broader community, Durham risks losing the rich diversity and social justice values that make us who we are.

Driven by profit-hungry corporations and harmful city policy, Durham’s explosive growth in recent years has been increasing segregation and inequality in our city. Rather than lifting up the whole city, development has been creating two separate and unequal Durhams. If this continues Durham, like so many cities across the country, will become another gentrified town where racism and inequality will be built into the very structure of our city.

It isn’t too late for us to choose a different future and to make real a Durham for all. Working together with a mobilized community, a progressive city council can make local policies that lift up all of us, confront disparities, and promote racial and economic justice.


A mother of two Black boys, Jillian knows how necessary and urgent it is to build a city where no one’s life is disposable. As a long-time community organizer, Jillian has worked to bring people together around progressive values and across their differences. And as a Moral Monday protester, Jillian has stood up to the policies and politicians who are undermining our state and our city, continuing the brave tradition of civil disobedience and noncooperation with injustice.

As a city council member Jillian will lift up the voices of those currently ignored by city policy, build a powerful progressive coalition, and play a leading role in upholding the principles of social justice that represent Durham’s true progressive values.

And Jillian isn’t alone. The campaign for city council is already bringing together leaders and activists from across our city — new and long-time residents, young people and elders, Black, brown, and white — the people who make up our city and who want to make a Durham for all a reality.